Sunday, January 06, 2008

Persepolis (2007)

I do not know Marhane Satrapi, the Iranian born, French educated graphic novelist and children's author. Her work looks amazing though and this film has already won several film awards including being nominated for the Golden Palm at the 2007 Cannes Film Festival. It opened Christmas day in the US with limited screenings. So far, I have not heard whether it will expand but it is on my Netflix list already. Make sure you at least watch the trailer.

imdb link


  1. HEY! I actually got a copy of the graphic novels (in one book) from alex after I got back as a xmas present. It's BEAUTIFUL, and an interesting viewpoint through which to see the conflicts Iran has been going through for the past 30 or so years. You should check it out.

  2. That so funny. Ever since I saw the trailer last October, I have been meaning to tell you about it. I saw it again the other day (I love HD trailers!) and told myself again to email you. Instead I blogged. I will definitely check out the graphic novel.
