FilmForce: Serenity Set Visit
Firefly: the quiet, short lived, and brilliant series on FOX created by Joss Whedon, the man who gave Buffy a stake.
The story takes to the sky in a feature film slated to be released in April right before Star Wars Episode III unleashes Darth Vader. The series had no equal. The characters were true, the writing witty, the production high, and the details worth a thousand words. It also created a cult community, the likes of which has been seen in Farscape or The X-Files. I have always been a lurker when it comes to cult tv, I like to listen/read and hardly ever give my input. However, Firefly changed all that and the campaign to keep Firefly flyin' was something in which I actually participated. I was drawn totatlly in and felt my heart break at its cancellation. So, when the movie starts and my beloved ship takes to the sky, I know that I will have had some tiny, miniscule role in giving Serenity flight.